Pepper Chicken

Pepper Chicken (꼬닭)
Downtown, Daegu

The Good
+ Fried chicken with flavor
+ Clean and calm atmosphere
+ Good service
The Bad   
- Limited menu
- Slightly expensive
Best for: Groups, a few beers, chicken-lovers, hangover food

Their four styles of fried chicken, from top to bottom, are spicy pepper, curry, marinated and plain fried chicken.  Their fifth main dish is spicy chicken stew (찜닭).  Prices are for 2 people.

 The side menu offers fried chicken gizzards (닭똥집), deep fried potatoes (감자튀김), iced peaches (아이스황도), egg soup (계란탕), pepper chicken ramen (꼬닭면) and orders of rice (공기밥).

Their signature dish, spicy pepper chicken (꼬추통닭).
Half fried (후라이드통닭) and half curry (커리통닭).  Ask for "bahn" (반) to try two styles.
Ask for dipping mustard (머스타드), I believe it's pronounced "muh-seuh-tah-leuh-deuh-euh-euh."
Their lemon beer (레몬생맥주) goes well with fried chicken, served at precisely 500cc's.
Ask for 포장해 주세요 (po-jang-hae ju-sae-yo) to take the leftovers home. 
[See page on Ordering in Korean]

They give radish, lettuce and corn for chicken feed..err I mean side dishes.

Pepper Chicken seems to be a permanent fixture on a street of ever-changing restaurants.  It's recognizable by its open, clean interior and tormented rubber chickens.  

Its often busy on Sundays and weeknights, with a dozen or so tables and a booth for large parties.  Friday and Saturday nights tend to be less crowded however, considering soju + BBQ is the more traditional choice for weekend dinners.

Choke your chicken to call the waiter and annoy your neighbors.

Pepper Chicken is located downtown, on the restaurant street across from Samduk Fire Station (삼덕소방서).  It's across from Caliente, next to Japanese Beef and just before The Beijing and Jeju Pork.

The Address is: 대구광역시 중구 삼덕동2가 132
Open in Naver map


  1. Awesome blog. Thanks for the tips. I will visit Daegu now that I know where to go. I am living in Seoul for a year and your info is great. :-)

    1. Thanks for the comment. Hope you enjoy Daegu!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
